Become a monthly donor today
Help Now By Becoming a Monthly Donor
By committing to a monthly recurring donation, you are helping to provide a secure financial foundation for Ronald McDonald House Charities of St. Louis. Every gift, no matter the amount, will help provide comfort, care, and a home-away-from-home for families with seriously ill children traveling to St. Louis for treatment.
How will your gift impact RMHC St. Louis?
When you make monthly gifts, you can see the real impact your donation is making for families of seriously ill children.
Benefits for You
- Convenient: Automatic giving is easy and alleviates hassle; each month, your credit card will be processed for your pre-determined amount.
- Economical: You’ll save on postage, check and envelope costs while eliminating paper waste.
- Flexible: Easily increase, decrease, pause or stop a monthly gift at any time.
- Tax Eligible: An annual cumulative tax receipt is mailed at the beginning of each year.
Benefits for RMHC Families
- Consistent: Monthly giving provides a predictable source of funding.
- Efficient: Reduces administrative costs and fundraising spending on mailings.
- Effective: Monthly donations allow us to pursue additional areas of growth to support more families in need of our services.