Background Checks
RMHC St. Louis Background Checking Policy
Since the safety of all Ronald McDonald House families is very important to us, we conduct a formal criminal history background check on all individuals 18 years and older applying for temporary residence at RMHC. Once completed, background checks will remain on file for one year. Returning families must submit a new background annually to stay at RMHC St. Louis.
RMHC will not admit any individual who provides false, incomplete, or misleading responses during the formal criminal history background check.
RMHC reserves the right to deny lodging to any individual with an open warrant for arrest and/or a criminal conviction record that reveals behavior that may adversely affect another individual’s health, safety, welfare, and ability to peacefully enjoy staying in a House. Specifically, if a criminal background report reveals a conviction for the crimes listed below: The individual will be evaluated to determine House access.
- Crimes against a person, including but not limited to, any kind of abuse, assault, battery, carjacking, crimes of a sexual nature, domestic violence, harassment, home invasion, human trafficking, kidnapping, murder, negligence, robbery, stalking, voluntary manslaughter, etc.
- Arson
- Burglary
- Any felony drug conviction within seven years from the date the criminal background check was conducted
- Three or more misdemeanor drug convictions within seven years from the date the criminal background check was conducted
- An active restraining order against the prospective guest
RMHC also reserves the right to revoke privileges from a guest for any other inappropriate, irresponsible, or criminal behavior that takes place while temporarily residing at the House.
The Ronald McDonald House Charities of St. Louis uses a Third-Party Consumer Reporting Agency called SELECTiON.COM®. When the Third-Party Consumer Reporting Agency used indicates any activity on an individual’s background report, the Ronald McDonald House Staff may look at applicable government, state, and county websites to obtain additional information to aid in the decision to approve or deny temporary lodging at the Ronald McDonald House.